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Virtual Reality
for Design Communication in Construction

Walk right into your dream project before a single stone is laid

Buildnext vr

Welcome to BuildNext Virtual Reality - the perfect solution for design communication , product selection and project sales. Our state-of-the-art VR offerings help you immersively visualize and customize your project at every stage. Walk into your future building, fix room sizes, wall heights; pick finishes, fittings furniture - all before laying the first stone. Complete clarity, Zero rework.

High-end VR Experiences

Dedicated VR Trial rooms

Portable VR setups

Real-time Design & BIM visualizations (Coming Soon)

Buildnext VR Benefits

Faster Conversion

Attract and convert new clients faster through immersive project demos

Effective Communication

Walk clients into your design, communicate easily and effectively


Allow customizations, showcase and sell fittings, finishing and furniture

Avoid Rework

Guide them around and convey spaces accurately, avoid rework


Make it interactive, engage and delight your best clients


Take your best projects to client locations, hotspots and expos with portable VR

Get Started with BuildNext VR
